Here is a very fast and easy hmong / asian catfish soup tutorial. I hope you enjoy it! Please leave me a comment if you try this dish! Some of you may or may not eat MSG anymore, but I can tell you that MSG does add a different flavor to this dish. I'm not going to debate if MSG is good for you or not, but people use MSG in soups to enhance the flavor.
2 lbs catfish
3 tsp salt
2 cup tomatoes
1/2 cup shallots
1 tbsp fish sauce
2 lemon kaffir leaves
4 Thai chili, optional
1 cup mint
1 cup culantro
1 cup ladysthumb
1 tsp xyab txob (asian peppercorn roasted and grinded)
3-4 cups water
1. Heat a pot on high and add water.
2. Bring water to a boil and add the catfish, lemongrass, salt, fish sauce, tomatoes, kaffir leaves, shallots and thai chili.
3. Cook for 10-15 min.
4. Then add the veggies.
5. Cook for 5 minutes and remove from heat. Serve.
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